Getting Closer to Launch
by Scott Whitaker
(editors note: is it me ... or are there about a dozen church starts going on in Georgia ... cool, go for it)
StonePoint Church is about to launch! We've been having monthly services for the past three months and having different social events in between. The monthly strategy has worked for us. With each monthly service we've had more first time families than the prior service. Our goal through the summer has been to touch as many families as possible before we launch. We've touched well over 100 families and we haven't even launched yet.
Another benefit of the monthly strategy is we've built up anticipation so much that people are telling us that they're ready! That's huge. I saw a family today that told us they can't wait. Not only that the wife asked, "When are WE going to start a second service because WE are already running out of space?" I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has noticed. I am praying that we launch and double our attendance from our monthly services!
The plans are already under way for a second service. Here is a resource from Nelson Searcy titled Starting a Second Service. Nelson is a great strategist and leader. Nelson is the Pastor and planter of The Journey Church.
I believe our strategy is working but more than strategy, I believe it is because God is working in our community. I know with every bit of my being that God is launching StonePoint and I have the joy being a part of it and inviting others to do the same. My prayer is constantly, God don't let me screw this thing up.